Collegedale Community Church


What We Believe

Adventists are Bible-loving Christians who accept God as their Father, Jesus Christ as their Savior, and the Holy Spirit as their guide.

We believe, as both Paul and Isaiah assure us, that “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God” (2 Timothy 3:16) and that “the Word of our God shall stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8). As a Protestant Church, stemming from the great Reformation movement of the sixteenth century, Seventh-day Adventists base their faith wholly on the Bible.

We cherish a spirit of love — not hate, distrust, or indifference — and believe that God is no respecter of persons, but that He loves all equally. We seek in many practical ways to prove our love for God and our fellow men. These convictions are deep and heartfelt.

We recognize that our relationship to God through Jesus Christ must be a relationship of total dependence (John 5:19,30). From this experience stems the inner peace and joy spoken of in Romans 5:1 and Psalm 16:11.

While ever seeking to make the world a better place to live in, we firmly believe that only Christ is able to bring order out of present chaos. This will climax in the glorious return of Jesus Christ according to many Bible promises. The significance of the Sabbath is not just a day, but worshiping God as the Creator and Redeemer (Exodus 20:8-11, Ezekiel 20:12,20) and entering into His rest (Hebrews 4:4-10). In keeping the Sabbath we follow the example of Jesus and the apostles (Luke 4:16, Acts 18:4,11).

Since our first service in September 2001, it is the desire of the Collegedale Community Church to lift up Jesus by proclaiming the “good news” of the everlasting gospel.

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